
"those who rule data will rule the world" Masayoshi Son

I saw a fantastic cartoon strip (1) that really brought home the choices many of us are making this year (2). FirstDog, the author, basically said: THERE ARE 2 APPROACHES TO ERADICATING POVERTY, ONE OF THEM IS TO LIFT PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY, AND THE OTHER IS TO GET KILL POOR PEOPLE (or get rid of them from your borders). A third approach would be to change the definition of poor, but we’re not cheating that much. Anyway, I am not joking, think about it. This comic strip has pushed me to write about a topic I have been hesitating to blog about for a while, because, even for me, it is quite controversial. It is the role of corporations in shaping the political landscape. A while ago I wrote a blog (3) where I argued that the internet can be responsible for the fact that instead of moving towards the mainstream beliefs/behaviours of society, people who were at the margins now tend to stay at the margins, and even some less marginal could become more marginal. I had t